
Welcome to Practical Cloud Security, a website designed to help busy security practitioners navigate the intricacies of AWS’s Service Offerings. This site has two main functions - provide a reference for the security implications of the various AWS services, and provide a Newsletter that highlights what’s been going on in the AWS and Cloud Security community.

Our goal is to provide actionable information around cloud security to an audience that doesn’t live and breath AWS. We’re less about esoteric threats and basic hygene issues like open S3 bucket. Our goal is to help companies without a dedicated cloud security resource find useful and timely information and techniques they can introduce into their environment.

Our goal is to review AWS services, but there are a lot of them and (currently) only one of us. If you have a particular interest for a service drop me a line at chrisf@primeharbor.com. If you’re interested in doing a write up of a service, I’m always happy for the help.